So, in our last post we explained how Snapper Rocks — and largely the entire Superbank — got its groove, thanks to some ingenious sand placement. Of course, we forgot to mention a little ‘ole sand-bottomed dream wave named Kirra…
Thing is, Kirra’s kind of a different story. Once upon a time, Kirra was a natural pointbreak that broke really well sometimes — and not so well at others, like a lot of those southern Queensland points.
Then in 1972, to help fill sand into Kirra, two groynes were built: one up above the natural point, and one below. This was not done to improve the surf, but in fact was done to preserve real estate values further down the beach. Obviously, everyone thought it was going to ruin the Kirra line (the wave you see in “Morning Of The Earth” etc.). But instead…the wave improved. The sand was contained within the groynes and Kirra lined up like never before. By the mid-1980s it was CRAZY. Like, the best ever.
BUT, when the sand flow was restored by the Snapper sand pumping of 2000, the sand carried down into Kirra and filled it to choking. Kirra turned into a closeout for several years.
Over time, though, the sand flow evened out, and today Kirra is almost back to its glory day self. Pretty wild, no?