Stop the Railroad from Armoring San Clemente’s Beaches this Summer

  1. OCTA planning massive rip-rap/hard armoring on San Clemente’s coastline by this fall

  2. This is being done under the guise of “emergency measure,” against the will of the vast majority of San Clemente citizens, businesses, coastal scientists and city officials.

  3. This will scar our beaches, accelerate coastal erosion, limit public access, and render nature-based solutions like sand replenishment less viable

  4. Our beaches served as a natural defense for over a century, safeguarding vital infrastructure such as railroads. Instead of investing over $100 million in short-sighted armoring projects, we advocate for the restoration of our beaches through sand replenishment.

  5. Ensure a better outcome by letting OCTA and Coastal Commission know that you are opposed to their hard armoring plans without sand

The Situation:

Running Out of Time

The Race to Save San Clemente’s Beaches

San Clemente is in crisis: our beautiful, historic beach town is losing its beach, the golden sand disappearing at an unprecedented rate. So drastically is this pattern of sand loss increasing that the beaches can no longer replenish themselves naturally. Which leaves it up to the city to implement an extensive, sustainable program of sand replacement and recurring beach nourishment before time runs out, and San Clemente loses its beach.

BBOB’s aim is to draw attention to the ongoing crisis, while raising widespread awareness of the value of our beaches.

Help Restore San Clemente Beaches

To Raise Awareness of:

  • the critical state of San Clemente beaches and surf spots

  • the railroad’s misguided plan to armor San Clemente beaches

  • San Clemente’s need for 1M cubic yards of sand in the next 5 years

  • how natural sand replenishment to San Clemente beaches has been severely disrupted

  • the value of beaches and recurring beach nourishment programs

The BBOB Mission